A distinctive characteristic of the New Hampshire Rivers Management and Protection Program is the partnership created between state government and local citizens through the formation of a local river management advisory committee (LAC) for each designated river. Each committee plays a vital role in protecting not only the river, but its shorelands as well. A minimum of one resident from each riverfront community along the length of designation is appointed to the committee by the Commissioner of the Department of Environmental Services (NHDES). Committee members represent a broad range of interests and backgrounds. The main responsibilities of the advisory committee are to develop and implement a local river corridor management plan and advise local, state, and federal governing bodies and agencies of activities which may affect the water quality or flow of the protected river or segment. NHDES offers the committee technical assistance in developing and implementing the management plan. For more information about LAC or the Rivers Program please visit the Rivers Program website or contact Tracie Sales, Rivers and Lakes Programs Manager, at Tracie.Sales@des.nh.gov or at (603) 271-2959.
For historical information on the Rivers Management and Protection Program and the first five designated rivers please read Let the Rivers Flow, Protecting Rivers for Everybody – NH Premier September 1990.