Correction to Free Webinar: Getting Community Buy-in for Stormwater Funding

I misrepresented the funding webinar.

Please note that the 1-hour webinar on December 14 (below) is simply an informational session about the roundtables, NOT the first roundtable session – which start in January. Your municipality can register for the sessions with or without attending the webinar, but it’s highly recommended that you attend the webinar so you know what to expect in the roundtables.

Webinar: Getting Community Buy-in for Stormwater Funding – Session One: December 14 at 12:00 to 1:00.  Hosted by the Consensus Building Institute and EPA New England.

Many municipalities across the country have adopted funding mechanisms. Others have tried and failed. What are the strategies that lead to success? This is the first of four free sessions for municipal leaders.  Check out the information flyer for more information and to register:  SWRTflyerFINAL_11-30-16 (002)

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