Town of Sunapee Request for Qualifications for Engineering Services: Perkins Pond Watershed Management Plan

The Town of Sunapee, New Hampshire, is soliciting Statements of Qualifications (SOQs) from interested consulting firms to develop a watershed management plan that meets the United States Environmental Protection Agency (USEPA) requirements for nine-element (a-i) watershed management plan to mitigate phosphorus loading in the watershed of Perkins Pond in Sunapee NH.

Perkins Pond has an extended history of high phosphorus and chlorophyll levels, and while we have had minimal Cyanobacteria blooms, we would like to identify the contributing factors for these elevated levels so that mitigation may begin. Perkins Pond also experienced increasing sedimentation at the bottom of the pond and identified that its depth is rapidly decreasing. Additionally, during the past decade, there is a significant amount of accumulated road debris that has been deposited in the pond. In 1939, Perkins Pond was 15 feet deep according to NHDES. It is now just over 9 feet. Understanding the sources and causes of this accumulating infill and road debris is critically important. Current and future potential water quality degradation due to climate change with accompanying increases in precipitation/storm severity and occurrence increase the need to address stormwater runoff issues.

The goal of this project is to address external and internal phosphorous loading as well as the transportation of road debris into the lake to develop a management plan that identifies necessary steps to reduce nutrient, sediment and road debris loading.

Please read the Request for Qualifications of Engineering Services for more information.

Questions concerning this RFQ must be submitted via e-mail to Skylar Hathorn at no later than 12 April 2024. Any questions about this RFQ raised by an individual/firm will be answered in a summary digest. The summary digest will be provided to those who request to be put on an e-mail list to receive the digest and will be posted on the Town’s website. Please email Skylar Hathron to be placed on the email distribution list.

Due Date: Complete submittals should be sent by email in digital format (PDF) to Shannon Martinez, Town Manager, Town of Sunapee, NH, at by 12:00 p.m. EST on 10 May 2024. Please enter Perkins Pond RFQ Submittal as the subject line.


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