This watershed-based planning tool was recently developed for the State of Massachusetts. This webinar will be of interest to watershed stakeholders interested in developing watershed-based plans in the future, consultants in New Hampshire currently working to develop watershed-based plans, and resource professionals interested in the potential applicability of this tool being developed in the future for New Hampshire.
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EPA Region 1 Webinar
Thursday, December 8th
1:30 to 2:45 EST
Massachusetts Watershed-based Plans: A New Web-based tool for Watershed Planning
Presented by Jane Peirce, Mass DEP, and Bob Hartzel, Geosyntec Consultants
To promote statewide development of Watershed Based Plans (WBPs), the Massachusetts Department of Environmental Protection (MassDEP) has developed an interactive, web-based WBP tool intended to help users develop WBPs that meet USEPA’s 9 required elements. The WBP tool provides the building blocks of a WBP for thousands of watersheds across Massachusetts – instantly – by selecting a watershed by location on a map. The WBP tool is designed for a variety of user-defined planning scales, such as small pond or stream subwatersheds, HUC-12 subwatersheds, or major river basins. The resulting maps, data, and modeling analyses generated for the selected watershed provide useful information for preparing a WBP, and for other planning efforts at the state and local level. Additional information to complete a 9-element WBP is provided through a series of guided exercises, interactive web-based tools, and related technical resources.
This presentation will give an overview of the WBP tool, provide a real-time demonstration of its key features, and discuss potential adaptations for use in coordination with other MassDEP and USEPA program areas.
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