Dear Conservation Partner in the NH Coastal Watershed:
Please contribute your opinion to a collaboration to develop a landscape scale invasive plant control strategy by completing the brief survey found at . The results of your scoring will be used to develop a co-occurrence model for each town within the Great Bay and Coastal NH watershed. This model will help guide where on the landscape invasive plant management may be most effective. This is step two in the process . Please forward this email widely, it is a community-driven project, so the more people that participate the better! The parameters in this survey have been developed from the results of the collaborative “Google document” multiple people and organizations contributed to. Your opinion is important and we are very grateful for your contribution. We estimate this will take no more than 5 minutes. Thank you!
Rachel Stevens, Land Stewardship Coordinator
Great Bay National Estuarine Research Reserve
New Hampshire Fish and Game Department
Greenland, NH 03840
Phone (603) 778-0015 Fax (603) 778-7398