Time to Register!! On Saturday, June 14th, from 8:45 – 2:30, join experts from the Maine Volunteer Lakes Monitoring Program and the NH Department of Environmental Services to learn how you can help prevent an invasive aquatic plant infestation in your lake. This workshop, held in Acton, ME will give you an overview of invasive species issues in Maine and NH, teach you the tricks of identification fundamentals, let you play with live invasive and native aquatic plants, and give you tools to conduct a screening survey. All workshop participants will receive an Invasive Plant Patroller’s Handbook, Maine’s Field Guide to Invasive Aquatic Plants, and the NHDES Weed Watcher kit. Click here for the agenda.
The workshop is presented in four parts:
- Overview of invasive species issues in Maine, New Hampshire and beyond (native vs invasive is included in this section).
- Aquatic plants: plant communities; identification fundamentals; ID characteristics of New Hampshire and Maine’s most unwanted and their native look-alikes.
- Plant identification hands-on exercise with live plants (natives and invasives).
- Conducting a screening survey: tools; techniques; documentation; certification; and how these programs differ by state
This free workshop is being coordinated by the Acton Wakefield Watersheds Alliance (AWWA) in partnership with the York County Invasive Aquatic Species Project, and multiple lake associations from both states.
To register, or for more information, contact AWWA at
[603] 473-2500 or lindaschier@AWwatersheds.org