Stream Restoration Workshop 2012-Henniker, NH
The 2012 Rehabilitation for Stream Stability & Improved Stream & Riparian Functions Workshop is scheduled for June 18-22 in Henniker, NH. This FREE workshop is sponsored by the U.S. Army Engineer Water Operations Technical Support Program & U.S. Army Corps of Engineers New England District. The workshop will focus upon restoration and management of streams/rivers and associated riparian areas to prevent nonpoint source pollution such as eroded sediments in streams, rivers, and reservoirs; and consideration for methods that provide for a broad range of physical and ecological functions, including water quality improvement, flood storage capacity, habitat and movement corridors, and aesthetics. This workshop will also introduce the methodologies and procedures for initiating, planning, analyzing, and ultimately designing long-term sustainable river and stream stabilization or restoration projects. Innovative, environmentally sensitive, and cost-effective approaches to restoration will be discussed. Comprehensive case studies and field trips will be incorporated into the workshop as well. Please see above link for more details, agenda, and registration instructions.