NHDES Request for Proposals – New Hampshire Municipal Roadway Soils Management

 New Hampshire Department of Environmental Services                                         Nonpoint Source Management Program

Request for Proposal (RFP) 2023NHMRSM

New Hampshire Municipal Roadway Soils Management (NHMRSM)

The New Hampshire Department of Environmental Services (NHDES) Nonpoint Source Management Program seeks to hire a consultant to perform a due diligence review and develop operational guidelines for materials management associated with non-hazardous roadway soils resulting from municipal roadway maintenance activities such as ditch re-establishment, street sweeping and catch basin cleaning.

This project will research and develop operational guidelines and training for materials management associated with municipal street sweeping and catch basin cleaning. The guidelines will be consistent with State of New Hampshire Solid Waste Management Bureau disposal regulations and will be encompassing of requirements described in the NH MS4 and the Great Bay Total Nitrogen general permits for these activities.

For details about the project and RFP submittal, including communication with NHDES during the RFP period, please use the link below.

NHDES_RFP Roadway Soils Mgmt_2023

Complete RFP packages must be submitted as described in the RFP on January 19, 2024 by 4:00 PM to:

New Hampshire Department of Environmental Services
Portsmouth Regional Office
222 International Drive, Suite 175
Portsmouth, NH 03801

c/o  Sally Soule – Watershed Assistance Section


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