Strafford Regional Planning Commission (SRPC) seeks responses to a Request for Qualifications (RFQ) for nitrogen control plan development for Milton, NH.
In 2022, the Town of Milton, in collaboration with the Strafford Regional Planning Commission (SRPC) submitted a pre-application and was authorized to borrow $100,000 as part of a Clean Water State Revolving Fund (CWSRF) loan through the New Hampshire Department of Environmental Services (NHDES) to develop a nitrogen control plan. Prior to final work scope and loan approval, a qualifications-based selection procurement process must be conducted through a formal Request for Qualifications (RFQ) to choose a consulting firm.
With this funding, SRPC, in coordination with a selected Qualified Environmental Professional (QEP), will develop a plan for nitrogen source reductions, from point source and non-point sources. The nitrogen source reduction plan would outline specific actions or projects with estimates of load reduction potential and cost to implement these actions or projects.
The plan will serve as a planning tool for Milton to allocate funding for investment and implementation to reduce total nitrogen into Milton Three Ponds/Salmon Falls River which feeds Great Bay. The plan would help Milton understand how much total nitrogen they might expect to reduce in the next 4+ years. A project deliverable would also include a nitrogen source identification planning template that could be used by other towns within the Great Bay estuary.
SRPC is soliciting proposals from QEPs with proven expertise in the development of nitrogen control plans and preparation of non-point source total nitrogen adaptive management plans that comply with the National Pollution Discharge Elimination System Great Bay Total Nitrogen General Permit. Additionally, QEPs should have first-hand knowledge of the level of detail required in nitrogen control plans, the project experience to leverage their existing work, and the technical expertise to ensure that Milton develops a plan that is implementable and adaptable to their needs.
SRPC has a modest amount of funding available to hire a QEP to assist with selected project tasks and sub-tasks. The QEP will work under the direction of SRPC staff and collaborate with Milton staff and its partners to provide technical advice or services to complete the selected tasks.
November 3, 2023 Request for Qualifications release
November 10, 2023 Deadline for submittal of questions on this RFQ (5:00 p.m.)
November 17, 2023 Questions and answers digest distributed to Proposers and posted to
December 8, 2023 Deadline for receipt of qualification packages to this RFQ (5:00 p.m.)
January 5, 2023 Anticipated final selection of QEP and notification to all firms. SRPC reserves the right to conduct interviews with selected teams. The decision to conduct interviews may affect the specified timeline.
More details can be found in the RFQ: MIL_Nitrogen_Control_Plan_RFQ_110323