RFP: Watershed Assistance Planning Grant for Sodium Chloride in Drinking Water

The RFP deadline for this grant opportunity has been extended!

RFP DES 2023-13

The New Hampshire Department of Environmental Services (NHDES) is soliciting project proposals to address nonpoint source (NPS) pollution through the development of a watershed-based plan in a priority, water supply watershed that has a documented sodium and/or chloride impairment. Projects must develop a sodium and chloride-based watershed restoration plan to address sodium and chloride and other NPS problems (if warranted) and must include a quantitative plan for assessing progress and watershed-based implementation success in the future. The watershed-based plan must have a clear water quality goal and either include the nine, minimum elements (a) through (i) required by the United States Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) for watershed-based plans (Appendix A) or develop an EPA and NHDES approved alternative plan that focuses upon sodium and chloride as priority pollutants in an impacted surface or groundwater drinking water source.

A Project Proposal Consultation is REQUIRED.

The Project Proposal submittal deadline is 4:00pm on March 10, 2023.

The original post can be found here: NH Watershed Protection and Restoration Forum (state.nh.us)








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