Update on a New Generation of Enhanced I/A Septic Systems webinar

Last winter NEWEA was invited to collaborate with the US EPA Southeast New England Program (SNEP) on I/A septic systems planning, one of their top priorities.  NEWEA subsequently created a Task Force to help accelerate these systems through permitting and into the market.  In June SNEP hosted a three-day workshop for 100 water professionals to “Push the Ball Forward on I/A Septic Systems”.  That workshop produced over five hours of video and a 49-page summary report.

The NEWEA Innovation Council will host a one-hour webinar on 9/15 at noon to summarize and discuss the workshop findings.  In essence there are multiple new technology entrants which produce effluent nitrogen levels at 10 mg/L or better. Those approaches are game changers for nitrogen sensitive areas that may never get sewered or perhaps are toward the end of a 30-year sewering plan. The technologies work and are cost competitive.  The issues now are around permitting, funding, and OM&M (Operations, Maintenance and Monitoring).

Click HERE to view the webinar flyer.

Click HERE to register for this free event.

And we invite you to spread the word to your organization as appropriate.

For reference, you may find this article a helpful foundation read on the topic.

Contact Bruce H. Walton, NEWEA I/A OWTS Task Force Chair, with questions at bwalton@battaliawinston.com or C 617-633-5065




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