Upcoming BMP webinar…this looks interesting!

How Well Do BMPs Work?
New BMP Database Results for Four Pollutant Categories and Volume Control Too!

 Join the Water Environment Research Foundation for a Webinar on July 12

What level of treatment is typical for various BMPs and green infrastructure practices? What pollutant removal mechanisms do they employ? How can I use this information to help select and design effective stormwater controls?

 Representatives from the International Stormwater BMP Database will answer these questions and more, as they provide stormwater managers, consultants, and others with the latest BMP performance evaluation results for four pollutant categories – bacteria, nutrients, sediment, and metals – as well as volume reduction.

 This evaluation is based on analysis of the data contained in the International Stormwater BMP Database and is summarized in a new series of technical memos. To learn more, visit www.bmpdatabase.org.

Date:               Tuesday, July 12, 2011

Time:              2:00 PM – 3: 00 PM EDT

 Space is limited.
Reserve your Webinar seat now at:

For more information, visit www.werf.org/stormwater.




Jeff C. Moeller, P.E.

Senior Program Director

635 Slaters Lane, Suite G-110

Alexandria, VA 22314

Direct Line: 571.384.2104

Office: 571.384.2100

Fax: 703.299.0742


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