Concord, NH – The New Hampshire Department of Environmental Services (NHDES) is now collecting information on economic impacts related to the drought to help assess the location and severity of drought impacts and manage drought response efforts. Homeowners on private wells and public water suppliers, as well as industrial, commercial, institutional and agricultural water users withdrawing water from wells or surfaces waters that have experienced or are experiencing water supply issues are asked to report drought impacts. An electronic survey to report impacts for homeowners on private wells as well as a survey for all other water users has been posted at on the home page under What’s New or on the Drought Management Program webpage:
While southern New Hampshire is experiencing the most severe drought, water shortage issues are occurring across the state and should also be reported. It is unlikely that enough rain to fully recharge water resources in drought areas will be received before this winter. NHDES will continue to collect information on economic impacts associated with the drought until drought conditions are alleviated.