Berry Brook Restoration Project: Neighborhood Meeting

Horne Street School Raingarden: Functional and Beautiful

Join the City of Dover and the UNH Stormwater Center for a walking tour and presentation to learn about a multi-year restoration effort to improve Berry Brook’s water quality (see below for meeting details).  Much has been accomplished during this effort and the results are starting to add up!

  • Over twenty structures have been built to clean polluted stormwater run-off: raingardens, bioretention areas, swales, and tree filters.
  • One thousand feet of Berry Brook piped underground for over 100 years has been re-established in a natural, above ground channel.
  • Local partnerships have been established.
  • Sampling results show improvements in water quality and hydrologic response.   

The outcome of this work is well worth celebrating: Berry Brook is recovering! Attend the meeting and learn more about this successful restoration project.

Meeting Details

Date: October 29, 2014
Time: Walking tour 5-6 p.m (meet outside of the school).; Meeting 6-7 p.m.
Where: Horne Street School gymnasium (Horne Street, Dover, NH)
Total tour walking distance: 1/2 mile

Pizza and other refreshments will be served

 Please contact Dean Peschel at with questions.

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