Following the guidance of the Final Rule issued by US Treasury regarding the American Rescue Plan Act of 2021, NHDES will be using existing application solicitations associated with the Clean Water and Drinking Water State Revolving Fund (CWSRF and DWSRF, respectively) programs, as applicable. For new programs that address eligible project types that have not been typically funded through the CWSRF and DWSRF programs, NHDES has developed new or revised applications and plans to solicit applications over the coming months. The following is a summary of what you need to know regarding applying for ARPA grant funds.
- Infrastructure Projects
- Strategic Planning Projects
- Long-Term Sustainability Projects
- Cybersecurity Improvement Projects
- Disadvantaged Communities Assistance
- Critical Flood Risk Infrastructure
- Culvert Flood Risk Assistance Grants
- PFAS Drinking Water Remediation Grants
- Dam Rehabilitation/Removal Grant Program for Municipally Owned High Hazard Dams
Infrastructure Projects
Drinking Water and Clean Water (Wastewater and Stormwater) Infrastructure Projects – NHDES utilized the 2021 and 2022 pre-applications received in the June 2021 and 2022 solicitation for initial offers of ARPA grant funds in this category. Please note that DWSRF and CWSRF has offered all of its currently available ARPA grant funds in this category, and no additional ARPA offers will be made unless additional ARPA funding is received.
More information can be found on the Infrastructure Projects webpage.
Strategic Planning and Long-Term Sustainability Projects
This category of projects includes strategic project planning, asset management grants, energy audits, comprehensive energy audit measure implementation, water audits and cybersecurity.
Strategic Planning Projects
- Clean Water (wastewater and stormwater) – The CWSRF program received applications for planning projects in the June 2021 solicitation. Interested communities should plan on submitting a pre-application to the SRF program in Spring 2022 for consideration on the 2022 Project Priority List (PPL). More information can be found on the Clean Water Planning Projects webpage.
- Drinking Water – The DWSRF program received applications for planning projects in January 2022. Applications for the next round of planning grants are available and due December 9, 2022. More information can be found on the Drinking Water Strategic Planning Assistance webpage.
Long-Term Sustainability Projects
(asset management, energy audits, comprehensive energy audit measure implementation, water audits, as applicable)
- Clean Water (wastewater and stormwater) – The CWSRF program received applications for asset management and implementation of energy audit findings. projects in the June 2021 solicitation. Communities interested in funding for this category should plan on submitting a pre-application to the SRF program in Spring 2022 for consideration on the 2022 Project Priority List (PPL). Communities interested in conducting an energy audit now can contact Sharon Nall at for more information.
- Drinking Water – The DWSRF program received applications for long term sustainability projects in January 2022. Applications for the next round of planning grants are available and due December 9, 2022. More information can be found on the Drinking Water Sustainability Assistance webpage.
Cybersecurity Improvement Projects
NHDES is now accepting applications for cybersecurity improvements for drinking water and wastewater systems. To be prepared for this solicitation, NHDES encourages communities to complete a cybersecurity assessment.
Additional information can be found on the Cybersecurity Improvement Projects webpage.
Disadvantaged Communities Assistance
Although projects in this category are typically included in the DWSRF and CWSRF infrastructure annual solicitation, this is a targeted program for NH COOPs supported by budgeted ARPA funds. NHDES utilized the 2021 applications received in the June 2021 DWSRF and CWSRF solicitation for initial offers of ARPA grant funds in this category and a second solicitation received in March 2022. All funds for this program have been offered.
A description of the program, eligibility, and the NHDES contact can be found on the Assistance for Disadvantaged Communities webpage.
Critical Flood Risk Infrastructure Grants
This program is currently closed.
A description of the program and the NHDES contact can be found on the Critical Flood Risk Infrastructure Grant Program webpage.
Culvert Flood Risk Assistance Grants
This program is currently closed.
A description of the program and the NHDES contact can be found on the Culvert Flood Risk Assistance Grant Program webpage.
PFAS Drinking Water Remediation Grants
ARPA funds have been budgeted to support the inclusion of a grant component to the PFAS Remediation Loan Fund, established in RSA 485-H with the passing of House Bill 271 in August 2021. Solicitation for applications is ongoing. To learn more about this program, visit the PFAS Remediation Loan Fund website or contact Amy Rousseau at
Dam Rehabilitation/Removal Grant Program for Municipally Owned High Hazard Dams
This is a new program supporting the rehabilitation or removal of municipally owned high hazard dams in poor or unsatisfactory condition. Generally, dams in poor condition are those that are not able to safely pass their design event runoff without overtopping and/or have one or more structural concerns that should be addressed. Fortunately, New Hampshire does not have any high hazard dams that are considered to be in unsatisfactory condition. NHDES will be accepting applications beginning on June 22, with a deadline for submission of July 29 at 4 PM.
A description of the program, eligibility information, application instructions, evaluation criteria and the NHDES contact can be found on the Dam Rehabilitation/Removal Grant Program for Municipally Owned High Hazard Dams webpage.