Bacteria Source Tracking Workshop – Canine Scent Detection and More!

Register Now for August 8th at the DES Coastal Office in Portsmouth!  Space is limited.

FB Environmental and NH DES are pleased to be offering a half day workshop on bacteria source tracking methods for identifying illicit discharges in your town.  The workshop includes:

  • Canine Detection,
  • Microbial Source Tracking,
  • Bacteria Sampling,
  • EPA Draft MS4 Permit Requirements (Illicit Discharge Detection and Illimination),
  • Town Examples Addressing IDDE,
  • and more! 

The workshop will include scent-detection demonstrations by Sable and Logan, the dogs from Environmental Canine Services, and a camera inspection demonstration by the Ted Berry Company.

Please see the Bacteria Source Tracking Workshop flyer for more information and contact Emily DiFranco from FB Environmental, or (603) 343-6311, with any questions or to RSVP. The workshop is free to attend, but space is limited to 60 attendees.


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