Gunstock Brook Study Results Public Meeting

On July 17th from 7-8 PM at the Gilford Town Hall there will be a free public meeting to present the findings of a geomorphic assessment study done on the lower 6 miles of Gunstock Brook.  The study and report, done by Bear Creek Environmental Inc., detail the brook as it exists today including the course of the brook, areas of significant erosion or disturbance, impacts from storms and flooding, and recommendations for potential improvements.  The study was commissioned by the Belknap County Conservation District (BCCD) as part of a ‘top down’ approach to address soil erosion and habitat loss within the stream.  Funding for the study, report, and presentation were provided by the Samuel P. Pardoe Foundation and the BCCD.  For more information please contact the BCCD at telephone (603) 527-5880 or email

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One Response to Gunstock Brook Study Results Public Meeting

  1. Lisa Morin says:

    The workshop was a success. Thank you all.
    The report can be viewed on the Winnipesaukee Gateway website at

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