UPDATED! Request for Qualifications Issued by the Town of Sutton for Watershed-based Plan Development for a Healthy Kezar Lake

The Town of Sutton, in cooperation with the Kezar Lake Protective Association (KLPA), is requesting Statements of Qualifications from interested Civil Engineers and/or Environmental Consultants to develop a Watershed-based Management Plan (WBP) for Kezar Lake that meets the United States Environmental Protection Agency (USEPA) requirements for nine-element (a-i) watershed management plan.

Link to full Request for Qualifications

Questions regarding this RFQ can be submitted to Lynn Wittman, President of the KLPA, at kezarlakepanh@gmail.com by December 6, 2024.

Representatives from the Towns of Sutton, the KLPA, and the NHDES will review qualification packages. The contract will be between the Town of Sutton and the consultant.

Statement of Qualifications are required to be submitted electronically and in hard copy no later than December 17, 2024 at 2pm:

  • Electronic copies of your Statement of Qualification should be emailed in PDF format with “Kezar Lake RFQ” in the subject line to the following:

Julia Jones, Sutton Town Administrator: townadmin@sutton-nh.org

Glenn Pogust, Sutton Selectboard Member: gpogust@outlook.com

Lynn Wittman, KLPA President: kezarlakepanh@gmail.com

  • Please also submit three (3) hardcopies to the Office of the Town Administrator at Sutton Town Hall, 93 Main St, Sutton, NH 03221. Include “Attention: Glenn Pogust” and “Kezar Lake Watershed RFQ” on the outside of the package/ envelope.
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