Take the New Hampshire Wildlife Action Plan Survey Today!

Dear NHDES Conservation Partners,

The New Hampshire Fish and Game Department invites you to participate in a survey to gather input for the revision of the NH Wildlife Action Plan.  Click here to enter survey: https://tinyurl.com/NHWildlifeActionPlanSurveyDeadline is November 30th.

Every 10 years, since 2005, NH Fish and Game, in partnership with other state agencies and organizations, updates the New Hampshire State Wildlife Action Plan.

The Wildlife Action Plan provides a strategic vision for conserving New Hampshire’s most vulnerable wildlife species and habitats, keeping common species common, and for working towards our common goal of conservation for many generations to come.  The revision is also a requirement of the USFWS to receive federal State Wildlife Grant funding which is critical to the effective management of so many wildlife species in NH. The NH revision is underway and the NH Fish and Game Department team has made tremendous progress thus far… a revised list of Species of Greatest Conservation Need and their associated habitats have been selected and we are wrapping up an updated assessment of the risks for those species and habitats.  We have also developed a page on their Department website that continues to be updated as new information becomes available: 2025 State Wildlife Action Plan | State of New Hampshire Fish and Game (nh.gov).

The next critical step in this revision is getting input from conservation partners and the public.  To gather input, the Department collaborated with the University of New Hampshire to develop a web-based survey.  This survey was updated from one that was completed for the 2015 Wildlife Action Plan revision. The survey is intended to assess how conservation partners and the public are using the Wildlife Action Plan, how it can be improved, and to gather ideas on actions needed to benefit our wildlife populations.  New Hampshire Fish and Game Department staff hope you will consider participating and passing along survey to anyone that might be interested.

For questions on the survey or the Wildlife Action Plan revision, contact us at: WildlifeActionPlan@wildlife.nh.gov

Press Release: https://nhfishgame.com/2024/10/22/take-the-wildlife-action-plan-survey-today/

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