Request for Qualifications Issued by the Lake Winnipesaukee Association on behalf of the Town of Wolfeboro for Wolfeboro Bay Watershed Management Plan Development

Each consultant will submit a qualifications package to the Lake Winnipesaukee Association (LWA) that will include the following components as described in detail below:

• Cover letter indicating a primary contact for the qualifications package and that person’s title, address, phone number, and email address.  The cover letter should include relevant professional certifications (e.g., Professional Engineer, Certified Wetland Scientist, etc.).

• Cover letter indicating a primary contact for the qualifications package and that person’s title, address, phone number, and email address.  The cover letter should include relevant professional certifications (e.g., Professional Engineer, Certified Wetland Scientist, etc.).

• Description of the respondent’s general approach (i.e., “philosophy”) to watershed planning, skills and specialties for which the respondent is qualified, and a summary of directly-relevant work experience of the respondent.  Responses must address how the respondent meets the desired qualifications; please consult Section V – SELECTION CRITERIA (below) for additional guidance.

• List of references including names, titles, contact information. These will preferably be clients for whom similar work has been performed within the past five (5) years.

• The project team, including project team organization, team member qualifications and the anticipated level of involvement of key team members in each phase of the project as described in the project approach and scope of work.

• A technical proposal that describes the team’s project approach and scope of work (do not include budget, fee schedule, or any type of cost estimate).

• A proposed project schedule.

Complete and timely submittal of all required documents is mandatory for the qualifications package to be considered.

Each consultant will submit the qualifications package via Dropbox
( by close of business on December 1, 2022.

The Dropbox link can also be found on the LWA’s website at:

Representatives from the Town of Wolfeboro, the Lake Winnipesaukee Association (LWA), and the New Hampshire Department of Environmental Services (NHDES) will review qualification packages. After the qualifications-based ranking is complete, the top two to three ranked consultants may be invited for an interview if desired by the review committee. After the interview process, the top ranked consultant will be asked to provide a task-based cost proposal, and the LWA and Town of Wolfeboro will proceed with contract negotiations with that consultant. If these negotiations are not successful, the LWA and Wolfeboro will negotiate with the second ranked consultant, etc. until a contract has been successfully negotiated. The contract will be between the Town of Wolfeboro and the consultant.

See the full RFQ here: Final RFQ_WB_WMP 20221026

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