The New Hampshire Department of Environmental Services offers a grant program for local communities to monitor public drinking water systems for indicators of cyanobacteria blooms and cyanotoxins

You have heard about cyanobacteria wreaking havoc in our lakes and how it can harm people and pets who swim in it. But, did you know about the impacts of these dangerous blooms on the water you drink?

In your community, drinking water comes from lakes. It is critical for cyanobacteria research to take place on public drinking water sources to ensure people are consuming clean and healthy water. The good news is that there is a grant opportunity to help community groups purchase cyanobacteria monitoring equipment to monitor public drinking water supplies like that one that provides water to your home.

Can you help us spread the word? Given your passion for our lakes, and your connection to your local community, I was hoping you might know of a community group or individual who is up for the challenge. If you know of anyone willing to test the water you drink for cyanobacteria, please tell them about this grant opportunity.

The New Hampshire Department of Environmental Services offers a grant program for local communities to monitor public drinking water systems for indicators of cyanobacteria blooms and cyanotoxins.

You can find the Cyanotoxin Monitoring Equipment and Training Grant Application and Guidance here.

For more information, you can reach out to:

Ann-Elizabeth Pelonzi, Source Protection Specialist
New Hampshire Department of Environmental Services
Drinking Water and Groundwater Bureau
Phone: 603-271-3906

Thank you for anything you can do to help ensure that cyanobacteria and cyanotoxins are regularly monitored in New Hampshire’s drinking water.

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