The University of Vermont is hiring a Lake Monitoring and Community Outreach Coordinator. This is a partnered position between Lake Champlain Sea Grant and the Vermont Department of Environmental Conservation. This position is responsible to lead community-driven monitoring of water resources across lakes and ponds in Vermont in support of the Vermont DEC Lakes and Ponds Program and Lake Champlain Sea Grant, to use this information to assess aquatic ecosystem health, and to develop and provide training and assistance to local communities to take the necessary restorative and protective actions. In addition, this position is responsible to provide outreach to stakeholders and local decision-makers to aid the public in addressing lake management challenges, and to help communities become more hazard resilient by understanding and preparing for changing climatic conditions.
The position requires a self-motivated, creative, well-organized person with strong quantitative, organizational and both written and oral communication skills. Applicants should demonstrate ability to work with diverse constituencies.
Applicants should also have the following qualifications (or equivalent):
- Bachelor’s degree in water resources, natural resources or related field;
- 2 to 4 years of experience in water resources monitoring, data analyses and report preparation;
- Strong knowledge of lake ecosystems and field monitoring and laboratory analysis protocols;
- Experience working with local community groups and decision-makers to address local environmental challenges and to provide training to volunteers;
- Knowledge of web-based database applications;
- Program development and evaluation experience;
- Familiarity and experience using various Internet, video editing, and social media tools (e.g., MS Teams, iMovie/QuickTime, ANR Atlas);
- Knowledge and experience using the Microsoft program suite;
- Ability to communicate effectively orally and in writing;
- Ability to work independently and be innovative in solving problems; and
- Valid driver’s license and access to dependable vehicle
To apply, visit:
The University is especially interested in candidates who can contribute to the diversity and excellence of the institution. Applicants are required to include in their cover letter information about how they will further this goal.
Application review will begin on March 15, 2021
Please reach out to Kris Stepenuck with questions.
Kristine Stepenuck, PhD (she/her/hers)
University of Vermont
Extension Assistant Professor, Rubenstein School
Extension Program Leader, Lake Champlain Sea Grant
81 Carrigan Dr, Rm 312F
Burlington VT 05405