A Request for Qualifications (RFQ) has been posted at: http://das.nh.gov/purchasing/docs/bids/RFQ%20DES%202020-07.pdf DES 2020-07.pdf for interested individuals/firms to submit qualification packages to the Town of Littleton, New Hampshire in response to their request for the development of the Partridge Lake Watershed Restoration Plan. Partridge Lake is experiencing repetitive blooms of toxic, cyanobacteria blooms and is currently on the 303(d) list of impaired waters in New Hampshire for failure to support primary contact recreation (swimming). The development of the watershed restoration plan will benefit from previously completed lake diagnostic/feasibility study and watershed-based planning efforts over the past decade.
The Town of Littleton has applied for and received approval for a Clean Water State Revolving Fund loan for planning projects to hire an environmental consultant and/or firm(s) to lead the watershed restoration plan development efforts for Partridge Lake. The consultant or consulting team will work collaboratively with the Town of Littleton, the Partridge Lake Property Owners Association, the New Hampshire Department of Environmental Services Nonpoint Source Management Program, and other stakeholders to coordinate the development of the watershed restoration plan.