Soak Up the Rain New England Webinar Series:

Living Shorelines: Slowing Coastal Erosion and

Saving Connecticut Habitats

Thursday, April 9th, 10:30 AM – 12:00 PM EST

Click Here to Register

Coastal storm events and severe weather damage homes, businesses, infrastructure, and natural resources in New England communities. Creative strategies for shoreline stabilization and coastal stormwater management must build resilience, protect habitats, and reduce erosion and flooding. One solution is ‘living shorelines’ – nature-based coastal infrastructure that addresses public health and safety concerns and preserves and restores coastal habitats. A recent project in Stratford, Connecticut provided 900 feet of coastal erosion control, added 30 acres of coastal habitat, and documented the ecological benefits of living shorelines through monitoring.

Our second living shorelines webinar of 2020 features speakers from Sacred Heart University and the Connecticut Institute for Resilience and Climate Adaptation (CIRCA) on the environmental benefits of implementing living shoreline projects. The presentation will feature Connecticut case studies and recommendations for regulators, planners, practitioners, coastal property owners, and members of the public on successfully implementing nature-based coastal infrastructure projects.


  • Kim Bradley, CIRCA, University of Connecticut
  • Dr. Jennifer Mattei, Sacred Heart University
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