The Norway Pond Commission is pleased present the 3rd Annual Norway Pond Symposium. Join us for a morning of talks highlighting recent research, and plans for future research, on the ecology of Norway Pond in Hancock.
The symposium will be held at the Harris Center on Saturday February 29th, 2020. (Snow date will be Saturday March 7th.) All are welcome to come and learn about Norway Pond. If you want to stay for just one or two talks, that’s okay. In the afternoon will be a workshop where research planned for 2020 will be discussed. If you are planning to attend, please email me at by February 22nd so we will have a head count.
Symposium Program
8:30 Registration (No fee. Open to the public)
9:00 Opening Remarks: Tom Shevenell
9:15 Steve Arcone: Why Is There a Norway Pond? A Work in Progress on Its Origin.
9:45 H. Marie Lawrence: Is Anybody in There? CyanoScope Observations on Norway Pond.
10:15 Break
10:45 Rick Van de Poll: Why Do Water Quality Measurements Matter? What Your Kids Can Do About It.
11:15 Lisa Doner: Keynote Address—How Does Norway Pond’s History Compare with Other Lakes and Ponds in Northern New England?ow
12:00 Closing Remarks: Tom Shevenell
12:15 End of Program: (For those staying for the Workshop please bring a lunch)
1:15 – 3:00 Workshop: Commissioners, presenters and selected experts to present and discuss current research and explore future Norway Pond research plans.