DES Watershed Assistance Grant RFP released earlier!

NH DES Watershed Assistance Section is now requesting grant PRE-PROPOSALS – Note earlier release and deadline.

Pre-proposals are due July 29, 2011 for:

Watershed Restoration Grants for Impaired Waters and Watershed Assistance Grants for High Quality Waters

Funds for DES Watershed Restoration Grants are appropriated through the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency under Section 319 of the Clean Water Act.  Pending EPA and State approvals,  approximately $300,000 will be available for Watershed Restoration projects and $150,000 will be available for Watershed Assistance projects this year.

“Impaired waters” are those that do not meet water quality standards.”High quality waters” are those that have sufficient water quality data to show that they exceed water quality standards, but need protective measures to prevent significant water quality degradation.    Projects must use a watershed-based approach and link specific practices to a quantifiable water quality goal.

For questions, contact:

Jeff Marcoux (603)271-8862 or Eric Williams (603)271-2358

For applications and more information visit:

Applicants must submit a pre-proposal to be considered for funding.

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