Soak Up the Rain New England Webinar Series

Tuesday, October 23rd, 1:00 PM-2:30 PM EST 


This webinar will showcase priority projects undertaken by the City of Cambridge Water Department (CWD) to protect its water supply and promote ecosystem restoration and recreation within Fresh Pond Reservation, Cambridge’s largest open space. Cambridge is an urban community bordered by the Charles River with 55% of its land area comprised of impervious surfaces such as roadways, rooftops, and parking lots. CWD sources drinking water from a 24-square mile watershed providing 13 million gallons per day of finished water to residents and businesses in Cambridge. CWD is implementing the Fresh Pond Reservation Master Plan which provides the blueprint for future land use, recreational use, and natural resource management. With input from residents and city departments, CWD has created and restored 23 acres of habitat, installed 23 green stormwater management features, and installed over 11,000 linear feet of accessible pathways. The proximity of the Reservoir makes stormwater treatment an urgent priority. Webinar content will include interagency coordination, effective stakeholder involvement, accessibility, public safety, urban forestry, resiliency, healthy soils, integrating native plants into design, and sustainable landscape management practices.

Presenters will include:
David Kaplan, Watershed Manager, Cambridge Water Department
Duke Bitsko, PLA, Principal, Jason Bobowski, PLA, Sr. PM, Hatch
Frank McPartlan, P.E., Senior Professional, Kleinfelder

*Registration site-

For information on Soak Up the Rain and the webinar series-

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