Webinar: Innovative Approaches to Promoting Community-Based Stormwater Management

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Soak Up the Rain New England Webinar Series:  Engaging Urban Residents: Innovative Approaches to Promoting Community-Based Stormwater Management

Thursday, December 14th, 1:00 PM-2:00 PM EST   

                                                                        To Register

Information Flyer

The webinar will showcase the innovative, city-wide green infrastructure projects that have addressed flooding and stormwater issues in urban neighborhoods in New Haven, Connecticut.  Key partners have included the Yale School of Forestry, the United States Fish & Wildlife Service, and EMERGE Connecticut, Inc. (a transitional work training program). To date, more than 30 bioretention systems have been installed strategically throughout the city with plans to install many more in the next two years in the downtown central business district.  This innovative approach has produced measurable results and effectively leveraged federal, state and municipal funding.  Webinar speakers include: Giovanni Zinn, P.E., City Engineer and Dawn Henning, P.E., Project Manager, New Haven Engineering Department, New Haven, Connecticut. 

Email registration address-  https://attendee.gotowebinar.com/register/8520543699503181570

*For questions about the webinar series or if you have ideas for additional webinar topics, please email to soakuptherain@epa.gov





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