2017 Drinking Water Source Protection Conference

Register Now
for the 2017 Drinking Water Source 
Protection Conference!



Clean drinking water is vital to public health and the potential for future economic development. Even very small quantities of contaminating substances in lakes, rivers, or aquifers can limit their use as sources of clean drinking water. Local land use policy, open space planning, and conservation tailored to protecting these resources promote public health and ensure a long-term supply of clean drinking water. Consequently, there are important roles for local officials to play in protecting currently operating public water systems as well as water resources that can serve as future sources of drinking water.

Each year, the New Hampshire Department of Environmental Services (NHDES) convenes a conference concerning how to protect local drinking water resources that is designed for local planners, conservation commissioners, water supply managers, and other local leaders. This conference has become the largest drinking water “source protection” event in New England and is the only statewide event focused solely on how to protect local sources of drinking water.

Thursday, May 18, the New Hampshire Department of Environmental Services (NHDES) will hold its 2017 Drinking Water Source Protection Conference at the Grappone Conference Center in Concord, NH. This is the largest drinking water source protection event in New England! This year’s conference will feature presentations on:

  • PFCs and other emerging contaminants
  • Land conservation and its benefits to drinking water source protection
  • Status of the Drought and efforts to manage its impacts
  • Sessions that discuss the challenges of toxic cyanobacteria for drinking water sources
    ….and many more interesting source protection topics!

The conference fee is $60 and includes lunch and refreshments. Qualifies for 5.0 Technical Credit Hours NH Water Works Operator Certification Program.

REGISTER at American Ground Water Trust website: https://agwt.org/civicrm/event/info?reset=1&id=239

Registration questions? Contact Win Saltmarsh at AGWT: wsaltmarsh@agwt.org or 603-228-5444.

Other questions? Contact Amy Hudnor at NHDES: amy.hudnor@des.nh.gov or 603-271-2950.



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