A plan to address water quality impairments in Lake Waukewan and Lake Winona will be presented by the Lake Winnipesaukee Association and FB Environmental Associates on August 3, 2016 at 6:00pm, at the Meredith Community Center.
The watershed of the two lakes includes five towns – Meredith, New Hampton, Center Harbor, Holderness, and Ashland, NH. Development around the lake consists of a mix of seasonal and year round residential homes and cottages. Businesses on the lake include some commercial and light industrial use, especially in the southern portion of Lake Waukewan and several campgrounds.
Both Lake Winona and Lake Waukewan are impaired for Aquatic Life Use due to low dissolved oxygen concentrations and, in the case of Lake Waukewan, Meredith’s drinking water supply, cyanobacteria blooms. Potential threats to the lake quality and public drinking water supply include stormwater runoff, development pressure, recreation, septic systems, erosion, and land use practices. The goal of the project is to protect the surface waters of the watershed from these threats by developing a Watershed Restoration Plan which establishes in-lake and watershed load reduction goals for phosphorus, the key limiting nutrient for this subwatershed and Lake Winnipesaukee.
The draft plan, developed by a group comprising residents, community officials, local lake associations and environmental consultants, outlines recommendations and strategies for actions to reduce nutrient and pollutant loading to the lakes. The action plan includes recommendations for public education, planning, land conservation, adoption of best management practices, site restoration projects, water quality monitoring, and more. In addition to the goal of nutrient (phosphorus) reduction, the Action Plan was also developed to foster thinking about long-term strategies for improving the water quality and related natural resources within the watershed, and to promote communication between citizens, municipalities, and state agencies.
Funding for this project was provided in part by a Watershed Assistance Grant from the NH Department of Environmental Services with Clean Water Act Section 319 funds from the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency.
There is no cost to attend the program; however, pre-registration is requested and can be done through the Lake Winnipesaukee Association at 581-6632.