Landscaping for Water Quality; Soak up the Rain two day workshop on April 8 & 9 at the Urban Forestry Center in Portsmouth.
Do you or your landscaper know how to keep your property looking great without using excessive amounts of fertilizers and pesticides? Would you like to install landscape features that help promote clean and healthy water by slowing down, spreading out, and soaking up runoff on your property? These and other practices will be covered in an upcoming short course, SOAK UP THE RAIN – LANDSCAPING FOR WATER QUALITY .
This workshop includes expert presenters from UNH Cooperative Extension, NH Sea Grant, NH Department of Environmental Services, UNH Stormwater Center, and the Piscataqua Region Estuaries Partnership.
This program is intended for:
- Landscape designers, contractors and maintenance professionals
- Members of watershed groups and/or conservation commissions
- Shoreland property owners and builders
- Water districts, municipal employees, town boards
- Decision-makers who want to understand ecological approaches to landscaping for water quality protection
Check out the flyer for more information and please promote this program – especially to anyone doing landscaping work in the Coastal Watershed.
Thanks, Barbara and Jillian
The flyer is at:
The online registration page is at: