Registration is now open for the 26th Annual Nonpoint Source Pollution Conference!


Attendees and exhibitors can register online or download a registration form. Please register by April 8, 2015 to take advantage of reduced pricing. Both full-conference and single day registrations are available.

This year, our conference will feature three plenary and two concurrent sessions focused on the watershed approach; including developing targeted yet flexible watershed-based plans, and optimizing plan success and avoiding common pitfalls during plan implementation. The technical sessions will also highlight emerging issues and approaches such as climate change adaptation for NPS programs, chloride contamination and urban impaired streams, and EPA-NRCS National Water Quality Initiative case studies. The second day will feature an optional field trip visiting the widely recognized Long Creek Restoration Project in South Portland and Westbrook.

Please visit the conference website for more details on the agenda, rates, and accommodations.

We hope to see you in April!

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