For this year only, the 2015 Water & Watershed Conference will be held in combination with the 39th annual New England Association of Environmental Biologists (NEAEB) meeting on March 18-20. The NEAEB conference comes to New Hampshire only once every seven years providing this unique opportunity to combine water related research information with tools for implementing water quality protection and restoration. The conference will be held at the Attitash Grand Summit Hotel and Resort in Bartlett, New Hampshire and is hosted by the NH Department of Environmental Services, in partnership with Plymouth State University’s Center for the Environment and it’s co-sponsors the US EPA and the New England Interstate Water Pollution Control Commission.
The Call for Papers for the conference, provides specific information about sessions we will be offering, and topics we are suggesting. Note that we are open to all topics related to water resources management, so please do submit abstracts on topics even if they do not appear on the suggested list. In addition to the more technical sessions usually hosted by NEAEB we will be looking for some practical hands-on presentations for watershed management.
Abstracts are due January 23, 2015. To submit, visit and scroll down to the bottom of the page for: Call for Papers and Posters
Additional information on registration, hotel accommodations, sponsorship opportunities and more will be provided over the next few weeks, and ultimately posted at the link above, so please do check the website regularly for updates.
NEAEB & Water and Watershed Conference Planning Committee