The Strafford Regional Planning Commission (SRPC) received grant funds to work with the Oyster River Local Advisory Committee (ORLAC) and the DES Rivers Program to assist in the development and adoption of a River Corridor Management Plan for the Oyster River, which is a secondary drinking water source for the Town of Durham and the University of New Hampshire. SRPC has coordinated with local, regional, and state partners to finalize a draft plan with the objective to improve the protection and management of the river, and complete ongoing efforts at the local level that are needed to address the use, and conservation of the river corridor and its watershed. The Plan has identified short-term, intermediate, and long-term goals, along with proposed objectives and actions to address them. Currently, SRPC is soliciting public comments and feedback on the Plan.
Please forward comments or questions to Kyle Pimental or call 603-994-3500.
You can download the document from the link below.