NH DES Watershed Assistance Grants Pre-proposal RFP now available

NH DES Watershed Assistance Section is now requesting Pre-proposals for the 2015 Watershed Assistance Grants to support local initiatives to restore impaired waters or protect high quality waters. 

The RFP and Information Packet are available on the DES website at:


 Or try the shorter url at: http://tinyurl.com/DESGrants

  • The DEADLINE for pre-proposals is July 11, 2014
  • Applicants must submit a pre-proposal to be considered for funding
  • You will only receive this post card.  You must go on-line for the pre-proposal and more information.

For questions, please contact:

Jeff Marcoux  (603)271-8862 jeffrey.marcoux@des.nh.gov,

Eric Williams (603)271-2358 eric.willliams@des.nh.gov


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