New Regional Clean Water Voluntary Fertilizer Guidelines from NEIWPCC

The New England Interstate Water Pollution Control Commission (NEIWPCC) recently released Regional Clean Water Guidelines for Fertilization of Urban Turf based on the 5 Rs:

Right Formulation Guide cover
Right Rate
Right Time
Right Place
Right Supporting Actions

The report can be downloaded here:

The goal of this project was to develop a set of regional voluntary guidelines on turf fertilization aimed at reducing nutrient losses and protecting water quality. It was important that the guidelines be both scientifically defensible and mutually agreeable to stakeholders. The publication of this final report marks the end of a two-year stakeholder process, which aimed to integrate the positions and expertise of turf fertilizer manufacturers, lawn care professionals, state, federal and local environmental and land care agencies, academic researchers and university extension specialists, and regional watershed and environmental advocacy groups. More information about the project background is contained within the final report and can also be found on the project website:

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