Comment Request for Changes between the ‘Draft’ and ‘Final’ 2012 303(d) List

Dear Stakeholder:

In accordance with Section 303(d) of the Federal Clean Water Act, the New Hampshire Department of Environmental Services (DES) has prepared a list of impaired waters in New Hampshire that require a Total Maximum Daily Load study (i.e., the 303(d) List).  Subsequent to publishing the ‘Draft’ 303(d) for public comment on April 20, 2012, DES identified additioanl waters that warranted removel from the 303 (d) list.  The purpose of this document is to solicit comment on those addditional removal (or delistings).

Between the issuance of the Draft 2012 303(d) for public comment in April 2012 and final publication in July 2012, a number of impairments were identified that DES proposes to remove from the list.  The primary reasons for theses proposed delistings include, but are not limited to: 

  • Beaches located on lakes with approved Total Maximum Daily Loads (TMDL), where the TMDL applies to the both the lake and the beach;
  • Waterbodies that now meet water quality standards;
  • Erroneous listings; and,
  • Splits in assessments units in which the new assessment unit meets water quality standards. 

At this time, DES is soliciting public comment soley on portions of the July 19, 2013 ‘Final’ which differed from the April 20, 2012 ‘Draft’ 303(d).  The public comment period on all other aspects of the Draft 2012 303(d) list closed on July 5, 2012 and a response to comments section was added to the Final 2012 303(d) list.  DES will not respond to further comments on any portion of the 2012 303 (d) list aside from those changes described in this solicitaion.  Comment are due by December 20, 2013.

The changes from the ‘Draft’ 2012 303(d) List of Impaired Surface Waters are available for review and comment on theDES website at:

Thank you,
Ken Edwardson
Water Quality Assessment Coordinator
NHDES, Watershed Management Bureau

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