2014 NH Water & Watershed Conference – Call for Abstracts for Oral Presentations and Posters

The conference will be held Friday, March 21, 2014, 9:00a.m – 4:00 p.m. at the Hartman Union Buliding, Plymouth State University, Plymouth, NH.  To submit an abstract, please complete the online form, which is posted on the Conference website.  Abstracts must be received by December 10, 2013.  If you have any questions, please contact Cory Gucwa or June Hammond Rowan.watershed conf

The New Hampshire Water and Watershed Conference is designed to meet the information need of a broad audience.  Participants include scientists; educators; consultants; students; lake, river, and watershed goups; environmental organizations; volunteer monitors, muncipal board and staff members; elected officials; local and regional planners; and policy makers.

We invite abstracts on current water related reserach as well as effective strategies at the local, regional, state, and federal levels that address the changing environmental and societal conditions and their effects on the sustainablitly of New Hampshire’s water resources and aquatic environment. This year’s conference tracks include:

  • Sustainability of New Hampshire’s Water Resources
  • Built and Natural Water Infrastructure
  • Water Resource Outreach, Education & Citizen Science
  • Land Use Planning and Conservation of Water Sustainability
  • Quality, Quantity, Timing & Distribution of Water Supply 
  • Water Law, Policy & Management
  • Successes in Integrating Science with Decision Making for Water Resources
  • Where are New Hampshire’s Water Data?
  • Emerging Issues in Water and Public Health
  • Student Posters on New Hampshire Water Topics
To submit an abstract, please complete the online form, which is posted on the Conference website. Abstracts must be received by December 10, 2013.If you have any questions, please contact Cory Gucwa or June Hammond Rowan. , NH by Cory Gucwa


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