General Information: Southwest Region Planning Commission has been awarded funding from NH DES through a grant from Section 604(b) of the Clean Water Act, for a Nutrient Loading Study for Lake Warren in Alstead, NH.
Lake Warren has shifted from an Oligotrophic to a Mesotrophic classification and is listed as an impaired lake. The results of a water quality report, recently produced by the Cold River Local Advisory Committee, identified areas of concern for the health of the Lake. Trends observed relative to long-term total phosphorous (TP), chlorophyll and transparency graphs suggest that overall water quality in the Lake is declining at a rate that is much faster than the natural progression of lakes and ponds of its size. These declines in water quality have resulted in impairments for aquatic habitat as defined by the NH DES. TP is the key nutrient responsible for this situation. Increasing TP trends in the Lake as well as its tributaries, culverts and outlet are a significant water quality concern.
The project will identify pollutant load reductions and methods of achieving the levels necessary to improve the classification from Mesotrophic to Oligotrophic and remove it from the “impaired” status. It is the goal of this project to develop BMP’s that will meet the water quality standard of 8ug/l of total phosphorus and 3.3 mg/m3 of chlorophyll-a.
For the full project description and to download the RFP, please visit
Due Date: Each consultant will submit proposals by April 19, 2013 to:
Southwest Region Planning Commission
37 Ashuelot Street Keene, NH 03431