2013 Grant Round Open
Pre-proposals due April 29, 2013
The NH Department of Environmental Services (NHDES) is pleased to announce funding available through the Aquatic Resource Mitigation (ARM) Fund Program for wetland restoration, land conservation, or habitat improvement projects. The grant funds are administered by DES’s Wetlands Bureau and used to replace or protect wetland functions and values lost from development projects that generated the funds. Last year’s grant round amounted to a total gain of 2,675 acres of land preservation in 13 towns. In addition, these projects included 4.5 acres of wetland restoration, 5 acres of wetland enhancement, and 1.3 miles of stream passage restoration from the expenditure of $2,973,800. For the 12 project awards, a total of $2,293,750 of funds was leveraged for the completion of these projects.
The NHDES and ARM Fund Committee anticipate that 2013 will be another productive grant year. Any of New Hampshire’s communities that lie wholly or partially within the watersheds accepting applications are eligible to apply for ARM Fund grants (see region map at: An ideal project would provide aquatic resource restoration within the context of a proposed land conservation proposal. The key to success is the long-term protection of wetland functions that are restored or enhanced. The ARM Site Selection Committee will select the highest ranked projects that meet the eligibility criteria.. When project scores are similar, preference will be given to those projects that provide long term protection of the project area and its buffer, or provide long-term management to ensure the greatest environmental benefit from funds available.
Pre-proposals (1-2 pages max) are due to the NH DES Wetlands Bureau office by 4pm on April 29, 2013 (one hard copy and one electronic copy). Click here for the pre-proposal form. We recommend potential applicants review the full application form for specific program details and criteria. Complete details of the NHDES wetland mitigation program are found on the DES website at:
NOTE: The targeted functions and values for the 2013 ARM grant round and total funding available are noted in the full application form.