2013 NH Water & Watershed Conference Call for Abstracts


 Center for the Environment
2013 New Hampshire  
Water & Watershed Conference:
Call for Abstracts


The New Hampshire Water and Watershed Conference is designed to meet the information and networking needs a broad audience. Participants include scientists; educators; consultants; students; lake, river, and watershed groups; environmental organizations; volunteer monitors; municipal board and staff members; elected officials; local and regional planners; and policy makers.


We are developing dynamic sessions to present the latest work on water resources in New Hampshire. We invite abstracts on current water related research as well as effective strategies at the local, regional, state, and federal levels that address the changing environmental and societal conditions and their effects on New Hampshire’s water resources and aquatic environment.

We invite presentations in the following tracks that also address one or more cross-cutting themes and priorities: innovative practices, designs, and planning, data needs, infrastructure investments, partnerships, public engagement, and managing water resources across boundaries.

*  Ecosystem Services of Lakes, Rivers, and Watersheds
*  Water Quality and Quantity – Data, Trends, and Forecasts
*  Approaches to Watershed Planning and Management – BMPs, Infrastructure, Rules and Regulations
*  Planning for Climate Change & Recovering from Extreme Weather Events
*  New Techniques for Education and Outreach
*  Using New Technology to Address Data Needs, Monitor Our Water Resources, and Improve Infrastructure

*  Student Posters on New Hampshire Water Topics 



To submit an abstract, please complete the 

online form


Abstracts must be received by December 10, 2012. If you have any questions, please contact June Hammond Rowan.


Notification of acceptance of abstracts for presentations will be given in early-January. PowerPoint presentations are encouraged. LCD projectors and laptops will be provided. No overhead or slide projectors will be available. Presentations are allotted 20 minutes, with an additional 10 minutes for question and answer time.


 Photo-East Inlet, Pittsburg, NH by Philip Haskell  


Conference Date & Location: 


Friday, March 22, 2013
9:00 a.m. – 4:00 p.m.


The Hartman Union Building,
Plymouth State University,  
High Street, 
Plymouth, NH


Abstracts sought for oral presentations and
student posters

Abstract Deadline: December 10, 2012


This email was sent to barbara.mcmillan@des.nh.gov by water.and.watershed@gmail.com |  
Center for the Environment | Plymouth State University | 17 High Steet, MSC 63 | Plymouth | NH | 03264

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