Please join the Green Mountain Conservation Group and the Ossipee Watershed Coalition for a community forum on understanding 10 years of water quality data.
Thursday, November 15th 6:30-8:30 PM – Runnells Hall, 25 Deer Hill Road, Chocorua
Michelle Daly of the UNH Water Resource Research Center will present an analysis of the first 10 years of tributary data collected by GMCG’s volunteer monitoring program from more than 30 long-term monitoring stations.
Bob Craycraft of the UNH Lay Lakes Monitoring Program will present an analysis of water quality trends in the basins of the Ossipee Lake system, from data collected by GMCG and the Ossipee Lake Alliance through the VLAP program.
Lisa Doner, PSU paleolimnologist will present preliminary results of Ossipee Lake sediment core analysis that is looking into what sediments can tell us about historic land use impacts on the lake.
Forrest Bell of F.B. Environmental will explin what watershed planning is achieving in neighboring watershed communities, and Steve Whitman of Jeffery Taylor & Associates will facilitate a discussion to help communities consider next steps in data collection and watershed protection.