October 18, 2012, 8:00 AM – 2:00 PM
Ossipee Town Hall, 55 Main Street, Ossipee, NH
This UNH Technology Transfer Center workshop, co-sponsored by the Green Mountain Conservation Group, will be taught by David Eckman, P.E., principal of Eckman Engineering, LLC in Portsmouth, NH. The workshop will cover temporary and permanent methods for erosion prevention and sediment control.
This workshop is eligible for up to 5 Professional Development Hours, up to .5 Continuing Education Units through the University of New Hampshire, and 5 Environmental Hours through the NH Roads Scholar program.
Register online at http://www.t2.unh.edu/training-calendar or by calling Beth Hamilton at 603-862-2826. The cost is $60 for municipal attendees and $120 for non-municipal and includes morning refreshments, instruction materials and a catered lunch.