Ashuelot River LAC Meeting – August 15th

Tuesday, August 15, 2023
6:00 PM
Surry Fire Station
Rte 12A
Surry, NH

Zoom link:;!!Oai6dtTQULp8Sw!S44gzHSfX6lv3AYtbUcJloFj8vg-kpV_c7eThEB3iFivqFTw0gdsNqpqNj1GSBfDqFxVUE7oSJ0SUSG6rg$

All Ashuelot River LAC meetings are open to the public.

Please contact ARLAC Chair Barbara Skuly at if you have any questions. 


  1. Minutes: June 20, 2023
    a. Zoom payment/class action settlement
  2. Permits
    a. Gilsum-AOT –G2 Holdings LLC; permitted 7/12
    b. GilsumShoreland- Blacksmith shop
    c. Winchester- DWGTF Environmental Review- Storage Tank & Booster Pump Station
    d. Washington-Shoreland non-compliance, Calabro
    e. Washington-Shoreland, Bragg- filed application 7/17& 24, not received by ARLAC
  3. Watershed projects/issues.
    a. Fiske Mill –working on surrender application; close in Aug? awaiting map re: land parcels
    b. Lempster inquiry- wetlands infringement
    c. River monitoring-
    d. Corridor Management Plan – final draft
    e. River Clean-Up- Sept. 29, 30.
    f. Marlow- FERC acceptance of withdrawal of application for surrender
  4. Workshops/Meetings
    a. Lamprey Nest survey on the AshuelotJuly 3, cancelled
    b. Sea Lamprey Rescue-Turners Falls Canal -Mon, Sept. 25, 8am-12pm
  5. Other Business that may come before the Committee


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