| Feature | Restrictions | Status |
Access Public Water Supply Data Layers and Alteration of Terrain (AOT) Screening Layers in OneStop Geographic Information System (GIS)
In the interest of Homeland Security, geographic information on Public Water Supplies is restricted
to the general public.Approval requires up to five business days to complete.
Other information on Public Water Supplies may be viewed at:
OneStop Search
DES limits approval for this feature to environmentalist professionals that are required to analyze
geographic Public Water Supply data in order to comply with Statutes and Rules administered by DES.
When applying for this feature, you must reference the Statute or Rule that you must comply with. Please indicate all of the conditions that apply to your request:
* Access to sensitive information is required to satisfy DES's or other state regulatory
* I am a state or federal employee, regional planning staff or a contractor who needs access to
do their job
* I am a consultant hired by a municipality or regional planning commission to conduct a natural
resource inventory or similar work
* I need continuous statewide access for many locations on a regular basis and a paper map or limited geographic data is not sufficient
DWGB Certified Lab Upload
This feature is for transmitting electronic data to DWGB in accordance with Env-DW 719, Reporting Requirements and Reporting Data from Commercial or Other laboratories.
Select this activity if you are a certified laboratory and want to upload sample results data to the NHDES Drinking Water and Groundwater Bureau using the spreadsheet template.
If you only wish to view data, do not apply for this feature; use the following link instead:
OneStop Search
DES limits approval for this feature to those applicants involved with the submission of PWS data and other sampling data as requested by a DWGB project manager or staff member. When applying for this feature, you must specify a drinking water accredited lab, a PWS Id or a DWGB Project Id
DWGB Login Samples
This feature is for transmitting electronic data to DWGB in accordance with Env-DW 719, Reporting Requirements and Reporting Data from Commercial or Other laboratories.
Select this activity if you are a certified laboratory and want to submit sample results data to the NHDES Drinking Water and Groundwater Bureau using the online web form.
If you only wish to view data, do not apply for this feature; use the following link instead:
OneStop Search
DES limits approval for this feature to those applicants involved with the submission of PWS data and other sampling data as requested by a DWGB project manager or staff member. When applying for this feature, you must specify a drinking water accredited lab, a PWS Id or a DWGB Project Id
Online Air Permitting
This feature is for submitting air permit applications to DES
in accordance with RSA 294-E, Uniform Electronic Transactions Act.
Currently limited to General State Permit applications, Administrative Amendments and Limitation on Potential to Emit Notifications.
Petroleum Reimbursement Request Entry
Remibursement Entry for the reimbursement of expenses for site cleanup projects.
DES limits approval for this feature to those applicants involved with the submission of reimbursement requests.
Subsurface Bureau Online Permitting
This feature is for electronic submittal of Subsurface Bureau Permit Applications including Individual Sewage Disposal Systems (ISDS) and Subdivisions of Land in accordance with RSA 294-E, Uniform Electronic Transactions Act.
This feature is restricted to permitted septic system designers and installers, and registered land surveyors.
Enter your reason for your request here.
To facilitate your approval please indicate your designer, installer, and/or surveyor number (Limit 500 chars.)*.
Upload Reports/Documents for the Waste Management Division
This feature is for transmitting electronic documents to DES in accordance with RSA 294-E,
Uniform Electronic Transactions Act. If you only wish to view data, do not apply for this feature; use the following link instead:
OneStop Search
DES limits approval for this feature only to those applicants involved with submission of reports/documents as required by Statutes and Rules administered by DES.
Upload Station or Activity Data for the Environmental Monitoring Database (EMD)
This feature is for transmitting electronic data to DES in accordance with RSA 294-E, Uniform Electronic Transactions Act. If you only wish to view data, do not apply for this feature; visit this page for more information on viewing EMD data:
Environmental Monitoring Database (EMD)
DES limits approval for this feature to those applicants involved with submission of sampling data
to the Environmental Monitoring Database, as requested by a DES project manager or staff member. When applying for this feature, you must reference the DES staff member that requested the data.
Water Use Reporting
This feature is for transmitting electronic data to DES in accordance with RSA 294-E, Uniform Electronic Transactions Act. Providing water use data through this application will satisfy the water use reporting requirements outlined in Env-Wq 2102.18, 2102.30, & 2102.31.
DES limits approval for this feature to those applicants involved with the submission of water use data in accordance with RSA 488 and Env-Wq 2102. When applying for this feature, you must specify the unique five digit Water User ID (WUID) associated with the facility. If you are responsible for reporting water use data for multiple facilities, please provide each WUID.
Well Completion Reports
DES limits approval for this feature to those applicants associated with licensed NH Water Well Contractors. When applying for this feature, you must list a Well Contractor License Number that you are associated with and your association.
This application is used for the licensed NH Water Well Contractors to sign into and fill out necessary forms. These forms do require signatures.