Training is required for all individuals, agencies, and organizations that want to assess stream crossings under this Initiative and have their data scored and publicly available in the online mapper. The training is free and includes a one-day webinar, a series of instructional videos, and a half-day field visit. A separate virtual class hosted by UNH Technology Transfer Center will provide guidance on electronic data collection, uploading data, and accessing the SADES database.
Please contact Brian Hauschild of NHGS for the 2024 trainings at or (603) 271-7332.
2024 Classroom Training Schedule: May 21
9:00-9:15 Welcome and Introductions (NHFG)
9:15-9:45 Introduction- Why Do We Survey Stream Crossings? (NH DOT)
9:45-10:15 Survey Overview and Statewide Coordination (NHGS)
10:15-10:30 Data Submission Process, Photo Documentation and QAQC (NHGS)
10:30-10:40 BREAK
10:40- 11:00 The Statewide Asset Database Exchange System (UNH T2)
11:00-11:30 Structural Components of a Crossing and Condition (NH DOT)
11:30-12:00 Identifying Waterbody and Crossing types (NHDES Wetlands)
12:00-12:30 BREAK FOR LUNCH
12:30-1:15 How to Assess Aquatic Organism Passage (NHFG)
1:15-2:00 Fluvial Geomorphology and Associated Parameters I (NHGS)
2:00-2:30 Fluvial Geomorphology and Associated Parameters II (NHGS)
Video Series
Shane Csiki and Kyle Hacker from the New Hampshire Geological Survey at NHDES demonstrate how to accurately measure the bankfull width of a stream. Topics covered include how to identify bankfull indicators, where to place your measuring tape to capture an accurate measurement, and how to space out the cross sections. In addition, they will review what to do is some unique and tricky situations that may be encountered in the field
Shane and Kyle from the New Hampshire Geological Survey at NHDES demonstrate how to accurately assess bank erosion/scour, deposit types and armoring. They demonstrate what to look for in the field and how to use the tools that NH Stream Crossing assessment teams use in the field.
John Magee from New Hampshire Fish and Game Department and Kyle Hacker and Cheryl Bondi from the New Hampshire Department of Environmental Services demonstrate how to assess aquatic organism passage in the field. They demonstrate how to use the tools that are used to assess aquatic organism passage. In addition, they explain the importance of measurements related to aquatic organism passage and how to complete them correctly.
Shane and Cheryl demonstrate how to assess the structural components and conditions of a stream crossing. They explain the many different types of crossings that surveyors will encounter in the field.
Members of the New Hampshire Geological Survey at NHDES demonstrate how surveyors will assess the hydraulic vulnerability at a culvert. In the video, Shane and Kyle use the same tools that the NH Stream crossing assessment teams use in the field.